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Our company Bossaball Sports SL is the owner of all the rights worldwide and the sole authorized producer and seller of the Bossaball courts. Bossaball Sports SL is protected through intellectual property and international copyright, reinforced by trademark and design patents worldwide. Says Ari Bresler
Kuwait Times
Kuwait Times 10/2008 Brazil tromps to victory in Zain Int’l Bossaball tournament The Brazilian Bossaball team is flying back to Rio de Janeiro jubilant, after winning the Cup at the first Zain International Bossaball Tournament. Brazil, Spain, AUK and GUST were the four teams competing in the one-day tournament which was held on Friday at […]
The Times UK
The Times UK – 2/2010 Sport England offers grants to innovators of inspiring new games Anyone for slamball? Or BOSSABALL? Glowing puck, maybe, or velocity? Or has anyone out there got a better idea? Britain, which has long boasted that it invented modern sport, is being urged to rediscover the pioneering zeal that bequeathed to the […]
Bossaball: hayal kurmanızı sağlayan spor CNN, Amacı binyıllar için çekici videolar oluşturmak olan ve “samba dokunuşu olan garip bir spor” olarak sunulan “Great Big Story” kanalında bir ekip gönderdikleri Bogotá’da olduğu gibi Bossaball’a tekrar ilgi duymaya başladı, bu kez ülke, yetişkinlerin ve çocukların hayal güçlerini özgürce bıraktıkları spor olarak aldıkları Türkiye. Küçük- büyük fark etmeden, […]
BBC UK: How do you invent a new sport?
BBC UK: How do you invent a new sport? BBC published one again an article of Bossaball, after their report from the BBC Breakfast Show where Mike Bushell visited our Bossaball training centre Sport Box in Utrecht. The BBC decided to make this report due to the impact on social media of our new sport […]
The Telegraph
The Telegraph – 07/2015 What is bossaball and where can you play it? The grown-up version of trampolining, bossaball is a truly unique experience that is expected to take the UK by storm in the coming years. When a man reaches a certain level of maturity and stature, it’s possible he may not be able […]
De Standaard
De Standaard – 10/2007 Eerste bossaballclub opent deuren LOMMEL – In de Soeverein in Lommel werd de eerste Belgische Bossaballclub geopend. Bossaball is een Belgische uitvinding van Philip Eyckmans. ‘Het is een mix tussen volleybal, voetbal, turnen, dans en acrobatie’, legt hij uit. Na de start van de sport, twee jaar geleden, trok hij de […]
Knack (8/7/2009): Spring eruit met Bossaball Met Bossaball, een sport die hij zelf uitvond, gaat Filip Eyckmans de wereld veroveren. In een vorig leven was hij manager van dEUS. Een monoloog over een droom ‘Ik weet nog dat wij in de turnles een spelletje speelden met een bal en een trampoline. Je nam een aanloop, sprong en gooide […]
The rough guide to Cult Sport
It’s hard not to like the idea of this recently invented sport, which represents one of the many variants of volleyball, that has added elements of soccer, trampolining, gymnastics and capoeira to the mix.
Jornal de Jundiaí
Jornal de Jundiaí 8/2010 Bossabol: uma homenagem ao esporte e à Bossa Nova Com uma quadra semelhante a de võlei de praia, mas feita de colchões infláveis, o bossabol surge como uma nova modalidade esportiva O bossabol é um jogo de bola entre duas equipes. Combina a técnica do vôlei, a ginga do futebol, os […]
Although this fairly new sport was invented in Belgium, there are also leagues in: the Netherlands, Romania, Brazil, Norway, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Chile, Poland, Germany, and Portugal. Bossaball combines volleyball, soccer, and gymnastics; and is played on strange inflatable courts equipped with two circular trampolines separated by a center […]
Cambridge – Guess What!
Do you like trampolining? Try bossaball! Bossaball is like volleyball, but you play on a trampoline. There are two teams. The players hit or kick the ball over a net. The ball hits the floor and the team gets a point.
El primero, y español. Es una mezcla entre fútbol, vóley y capoeira. Dos equipos, una pista hinchable y dos camas elásticas.
Red Bulletin Wien
The Austrian department of The Red Bulletin visited us during the event and tournament during the FIVB Beachvolleyball World Championships 2017 in Vienna, where Bossaball had a prime spot right next to the stadium and the VIP terrace. 5 GRÜNDE, WIESO BOSSABALL DEIN NEUER LIEBLINGSSPORT WIRD TEXT: CHRISTIAN EBERLE DATUM: 04/07/2017 SHOWMAN, KUNSTLIEBHABER, FUSSBALL-ZAUBERER ODER […]
Brabants Dagblad
Brabants Dagblad (Zondag 06 april 2008): Schadewijk maakt kennis met Bossaball OSS – De dag begint met regen. In het kader van de nationale sportweek wordt er ook in de Schadewijk bewogen. Afdeling sportstimulering gemeente Oss, GGD Hart voor Brabant en wijkstichting organiseren een wijksportdag in de Schadewijk. De velden worden ingericht, de baskets in de grond verankerd. […]
Schoolbag – 7/2009 Sports meet music at Yuying secondary school Picture this: head-thumping music, flashy “aerial” moves and the thunderous roars of a several hundred-strong crowd, all cheering wildly around a games court. A rock concert? Nope. It’s a relatively new sport called bossaball, which is making huge waves around the world with its clever […]
Cosmopolitan Slovenia – Bossaball: Štirje športi v eni igri – 3/2011 Mi smo z mislimi že v prihajajo?ih toplejših mesecih, natan?neje pri športu, ki je mešanica odbojke, nogometa, gimnastike in capoeire. ?eprav velja prepri?anje, da je bossaball poletni šport, ti lahko zaupamo, da pri nas obstaja tudi dvoranski bosaball (v dvorani GRC Zapolje v Logatcu), […]
Buzzle.com 8/2012 A Trampoline, an inflatable court and samba – It’s bossaball What sport should you try if you enjoy volleyball, football, gymnastics, and samba music? Why, bossaball, of course! Bossaball is a sport that was invented in Belgium early in the 21st century. Bossaball can be likened to a combination of competitive trampoline jumping […]
Benessere Italiano
Il Bossaball è un gioco di squadra che combina elementi e gesti tecnici della pallavolo, del calcio, della ginnastica e della capoeira.
Balsport met een Braziliaans tintje : Een combinatie van voetbal, volleybal en turnen op een groot luchtkussen en trampolines als speelveld, ook wel Bossaball genoemd. Wie denkt dat dit zomaar een spelletje is, heeft het mis. De 21-jarige Tom Swinkels uit Sint Oedelroode beoefent deze balsport met een Braziliaans tintje op hoog niveau. Opzwepende…
Fans of Flanders
Bossaball is the ultimate mix of Soccer, Volleyball and Gymnastics played on an inflatable court with trampolines
Clickon about Bossaball: Sport’s Greatest Concoction Imagine combining the greatest sports in the world with some of the greatest sporting countries ever into one great big game. Then add music and a massive trampoline. You’ve just imagined bossaball and, yes, it’s a real sport. Bossaball originated in Spain thanks to the genius of the Belgian […]
Time Out Lisboa
Time Out Lisboa – 6/2008 Insufláveis para gente grande Visto assim de fora é um daqueles insufláveis coloridos onde dezenas de crianças se divertem mergulhadas nos chulés inofensivos da infância. No entanto, olhando com mais atenção, percebemos que quem lá anda a pular não são crianças, são adultos, e a brincadeira, afinal, até é bastante […]
No dribbling the squid
But in South America and Europe, beach athletes grab that volleyball for a sport that’s equal parts “soccer, gymnastics, and capoeira (an acrobatic Brazilian martial arts form),” mixed up on a court of trampolines and inflatables, and served with a cranked-up bossa nova soundtrack (fruit garnish, optional). Yes, bossaball pretty much kicks sand in the […]
Het Nieuwsblad
In het weekend van 25 en 26 juni worden de zomeractiviteiten op gang getrokken met een bossaballtornooi. Bossaball is een spectaculaire combinatie van voetbal, volleybal en trampoline springen.
Lumia Conversations
Lumia Conversations – 10/2012 Bossaball with the Lumia 800 We have a special guest post from our Dutch friend Freek de Jong for you this week. Freek works for Music and Sports BV; a sports agency that develops and promotes new sports around the world. One of the sports they focus a large percentage of their promotion on […]
Benessere 03/2015 Bossaball Bossaball is a team sport that combines technical movements and rules from volleyball, football, gymnastics and capoeira (Brazilian dance mixed with fighting movements). The court is made up of big blow-up ‘mattresses’ with a central part that is 18m long and 14m wide and divided in the middle by a net that is similar to a […]
Bossaball courts can only be bought by companies that first obtained such a license. So far, the license for Latvia has not been assigned yet. Due to our year-long experience in selling bossaball licenses, we believe we need to assign a license to a major marketing / event company, which has the resources and connections […]
Liga Postobon Deportes
Vivify your day
The Creation of a New Sport – Bossaball on Vivify Your Day Filip Eyckmans did what many spend a lifetime dreaming of. He created something that combines his biggest passions and made it into a worldwide success. Bossaball has become one of the most significant inventions in the sports industry with big aspirations for the […]
Het Nieuwsblad 2008
Het Nieuwsblad – 9/2008 Het Nieuwsblad: Van Bossaball tot ropeskipping De tijd dat mensen al eens tegen een bal stampten als ontspanning lijkt wel passé. Gisteren kon de Gentenaar zich informeren over bossaball, vaartrafting, airtrack, ropeskipping, kooivolley en andere nieuwere manieren om zichzelf fysiek op peil te houden. Alhoewel, ropeskipping is eigenlijk het vertrouwde touwtje […]
Le Monde
Le Monde – 10/2009 Le sport dans tous ses états : le bossaball Le bossaball, créé par le Belge Filip Eyckmans, est le seul sport qui incorpore le volley, le football, la capoeira, la salsa, un château gonflable et deux trampolines. L’activité rencontre beaucoup de succès au Brésil et en Amérique du Sud, mais aussi […]
Nerve Rush
Nerve Rush – 8/2011 Bossaball, the World’s newest extreme sport Introducing Bossaball, a delicate mélange of volleyball, soccer, gymnastics, capoeira and extreme trampolining. Developed between 2003 and 2005 by Filip Eyckmans, Bossaball is played on an inflatable court that takes less than 45 minutes to set up. The inflatable playing surface and change in gravity […]
Almere Vandaag
Almere Vandaag – 12/2012 Utrecht wint NK Bossaball in Almere Het NK Bossaball is afgelopen weekend gewonnen door een team uit Utrecht. In totaal deden er zestien teams mee aan de Nederlandse Kampioenschappen in de sporthal in Haven. Bossaball is een vrije nieuwe sport, in februari zal waarschijnlijk de eerste Bossaballvereniging van Almere worden opgericht. […]
Dagblad Noorden
Volleybal op een luchtkussen met een trampoline. Dat is bossaball. Van warme stranden overgewaaid naar Nederland. In Pand 17 in Assen waren afgelopen weekeinde demonstraties. Met het Nederlands team
Xtreme Spots
Xtreme Spots – 9/2015 EXTREME-LY DIFFERENT SPORTS Name one common thing between chess and boxing. Emmm… nothing huh? Hokey and swimming? Nothing much there either. Perhaps karate and volleyball? Football and gymnastics? I’m giving you a hard time here, aren’t I? Let me give you the heads up. Besides the athletic skill, the level of […]
. Da un po’ di tempo esiste il bossaball, uno sport divertentissimo, che unisce footvolley, ginnastica acrobatica e pallavolo. E’ nato nel 2004 da un’idea di Filip Eyckmans ed è tanto divertente quanto complicato e difficile da giocare
Sports marketing
Sports Marketing: A Strategic Perspective Sports Marketing takes a strategic business perspective, keeping pace with the ever-changing environment of the sports world. Organized around a framework of the strategic marketing process that can be applied to the sports industry, it provides an appreciation for the growing popularity of women’s sports and the globalization of sport. […]
The National
The National – 11/2009 Brazilian bossaball bounces on to the beach DUBAI // It is like football, combined with volleyball, played on an inflatable court with trampolines on a beach. It is bossaball, and it has arrived here. In equal measures perplexing and pulsating, and certainly not a game for the faint-hearted, bossaball has been […]
TIBS – 1/2013 Discover new sports The exhilarating sport of Bossaball once again takes a popular sport and shakes it up with the use of trampolines. This concept adds large trampolines and inflatables to the sport of volleyball to create a lively and exciting experience. Created in 2004 by Belgian Filip Eyckmans, his hybrid design […]
Tentang Qatar
Tentang Qatar – 4/2010 Qatar Marine Festival: Festival Untuk Semua Qatar Marine Festival memang menyuguhkan festival kelautan yang diolah secara apik dan disiapkan dengan sangat baik pantas untuk dinikmati oleh semua umur dan semua golongan. Lokasi festival ini juga sangat mudah untuk ditemui. Setelah Rainbow/Arch roundabout, kita akan mulai menemukan petunjuk arah ke acara ini. […]
Das ÖVV-Duo unterlag in Russland zwar am Mittwoch zum Auftakt der US-amerikanischen Paarung Brittany Hochevar/Jennifer Fopma 0:2 (-14,-18), feierte aber in der Folge gegen die Ukrainerinnen Walentyna Dawidowa/Jewgenija Schtschypkowa einen ungefährdeten
The Redbulletin
Perfect for: Anyone who thinks that a mix of volleyball, football and gymnastics played on a bouncy castle with trampolines in the middle sounds like a good idea.
Trendsportart Bossaball in Deutschland
Trendsportart Bossaball in Deutschland – Pressestimmen Bossaball ist eine Teamsportart, die von zwei Mannschaften mit je vier Spielern gespielt wird. Sie wurde zwischen 2003 und 2005 in Spanien von Filip Eyckmans erfunden und kombiniert die Sportarten Volleyball, Fußball, Turnen und Akrobatik. Gespielt wird auf einem riesigen Luftkissen, das durch ein Netz in der Mitte in […]
De Gentenaar
De Gentenaar: 22/07/2005 Bij bossaball staat niemand stil Ex-manager van dEUS ziet muziek in nieuw zomerspel Een bossabar hadden we al in België, met Dirkske van Buscemi. Minstens even exotisch en opwindend is nu ook bossaball, het nieuwe balspelletje dat door de gewezen man achter de grootste Antwerpse groep in wereldpremière werd voorgesteld in het grootste park van Antwerpen. Zoepa […]
Kuwait Times 2009
Kuwait Times – 2/2009 Bossaball: The latest sporting rage By Nawara Fattahova, Staff writer KUWAIT : Sporting activities are very popular in Kuwait. Kuwaitis are always eager to try out everything new. The bossaball is a an exciting new game, which is a combination of two games. Kuwait is the first country in the Middle East […]
Jornal Brasil
Jornal Brasil 1/2010 Ediçao de verao do projeto TAM Paixao pelo Rio instala na orla a primeira quadra Bossaball para a practica do esporte na cidade A TAM lança neste final de semana (30 e 31) mais uma edição TAM Paixão pelo Rio e, até o fim de março, em alguns sábados e domingos, a […]
German Chamber of Commerce in China
Bossa is the Portuguese word for air or attitude and it carries the connotation of Bossa Nova, a Brazilian style of music with roots in Samba. Combine these colourful qualities with trampolines, DJs and high-flying kicks and you get bossaball, the newest sport sensation coming out of Europe.
Focus Online
Focus.de 2/2013 Ein witziger Funsport-Trend aus Spanien Bossaball kombiniert Elemente verschiedener Sportarten zu einer einzigartigen neuen Funsportart: Fußball, Volleyball und Trampolinspringen in einem – ein witziger Trend, der auch in Deutschland zunehmend mehr Anhänger begeistert und inzwischen in internationalen Turnieren ausgetragen wird. Bossaball: der Sport Bossaball ist eine Mannschaftssportart, die von zwei Teams von je […]
Inside Fitness
What’s the score ? Once a team grounds the ball on the inflatables it gains 1 point. Scoring on the trampolines is worth 3 points. Hitting the bossawall (= the red rings around the trampolines) doesn´t count as a score, so the rally continues.
The Chive
Bossaball can be played in teams of 3 or 4 or 5 players. The aim of bossaball is for each team to ground the ball on the opponent’s field. Each team is entitled to a maximum of 8 contacts with the ball on its own field, meanwhile the trampoline jumper gains height to prepare a […]
Spectaculaire Bossaball doet intrede op de Spelen Doet de sport ‘Bossaball’ geen belletje rinkelen? De spectaculaire sport werd 11 jaar geleden in Antwerpen gelanceerd door Filip Eyckmans, ex-manager van de muziekgroep dEUS, en is intussen aan een opmars bezig. Het gaat om een combinatie van volleybal, voetbal, gymnastiek en zelfs capoeira. België is bovendien niet […]
Bossaball, mix van voetbal en volleybal op een trampoline Bossaball is een nieuwe balsport die de technieken van volleybal en voetbal combineert met de stunts van turnen en gymnastiek. De trampolines, luchtkussens en Zuid-Amerikaanse muziek maken het spel anders dan gewoon volleybal. Bossaball is bekend in verschillende landen over de hele wereld en nationale, Europese […]
Experience Magazine
Experience Magazine(30 AUGUSTUS 2005) : Bossaball Deze zomer is Bossaball, een gloednieuwe, trendy sport in wereldpremiere gelanceerd in België en Nederland. Bossaball oogt heel spectaculair en is een combinatie van volleybal, capoeira en voetbal. Het wordt gespeeld op een luchtkussen met trampolines. Op woensdag 20 juli vond de officiële voorstelling plaats in het Rivierenhof in Antwerpen. Daarna werden demonstraties […]
RollerCoaster 2/2009 Bossaball Volley Nova A brand new sport born in Belgium early in the 21st century, bossaball is like a combination of beach volleyball and competitive trampolining, with a live South American soundtrack thrown in. It’s played on a specially designed inflatable court that features a round trampoline on each side of an adjustable […]
Straits Times
Straits Times – 1/2010 Counting down to Youth Olympic Games THERE is still a year to go before the inaugural Youth Olympic Games (YOG), but Singapore is already in the party mood. Over 5,000 revellers transformed the Padang into a pulsating dance and music venue on Friday night, as organisers marked the 365-day countdown to […]
Discovery Channel
Discovery Channel 10/2011 Bossaball Rules: the Coolest Acrobatic Game You’ve Never Heard of Even if you’ve heard of bossaball, it’s unlikely you’ve ever played. But once you know a bit more about it, I’m pretty sure you’ll dying for a shot to get on the court. That’s because it’s a sport unlike any invented before. […]
Kindercampus – 4/2013 Ein witziger Funsport-Trend aus Spanien erobert Deutschland Bossaball ist die neue Trendsportart die sogar schon auf internationalen Turnieren ausgetragen wird. Du hast noch nichts davon gehört? Dann wird’s ja höchste Zeit. Denn die Mannschaftssportart ist ein witziger Trend aus Spanien, der auch in Deutschland immer bekannter wird. Bossaball ist eine Kombination aus […]
Raider Wire
Bossaball is the ultimate mix of Soccer, Volleyball and Gymnastics played on an inflatable court with trampolines.. 2015 is our 10th year anniversary and we are hoping to bring our game to high-quality events.
Experto.de – 12/2015 Trendsport Bossaball: Nischenprodukt oder kommender Strandklassiker? Wir alle haben unsere persönliche Lieblingssportart. Dem einen geht nichts über das Ligaspiel mit den Kumpels im dörflichen Fußballverein, andere checken schon ab September nervös die Schneehöhen der liebsten Skipiste. Wieder andere wollen aber nicht auf ausgetretenen Pfaden wandeln und erschaffen sich ihre eigene Sportart. Bei […]
FIVB Copacourts
FIVB VOLLEYBALL HOUSE AND #COPACOURTS REACH DIZZY NEW HEIGHTS Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 11, 2016 – The Volleyball House and CopaCourts reached dizzy new heights today when bossaball took over Copacabana Beach and wowed the crowds with high flying volleyball skills which would have impressed Volleyball House attendee Mireya Luis who was known for […]
Men’s Room
Bossaball is een kruising tussen (voet)volleyball en trampolinespringen en is in Spanje bedacht door de Belg Filip Eyckmans.
Belpop (02/06/2006) : The Wach Attack Bossaball Barrack Het Antwerpse The Wack Attack Barrack heeft bossaball – een combinatie van volleybal, voetbal, gymnastiek en capoeira – ontdekt. Het onafhankelijke e-label zal in de toekomst samen met bossaball projecten opzetten waarbij online muziek en concerttickets kunnen gewonnen worden. The WAB liet al eerder van zich horen door als eerste […]
Trend – 2/2009 Zero Gravity Sport Extreme sports, modern technology, physics and the forces of gravity. With the help of some new tools, technologies, and clever physical concepts, the new extreme sports are defying the force of gravity. Trend Description: Fusing the most fun sports with modern technology, the new extreme sports besiege the physics […]
“Este é um daqueles programas de esporte, lazer e recreação que toda a família deve participar. Ações como esta unem a família e a comunidade e fazem bem para toda a sociedade”, ressalta o presidente do Sesi-SP e da Fiesp, Paulo Skaf. “O Sesi continuará estimulando a prática de atividades desportivas para toda a população […]
Anyone for Bossaball? If it is survival of the fittest, then Marbella’s new year’s resolution to become a mecca for all things sporty has got off to a good start. Check out the bounciest new sport in town on 12, 13 January, when Marbella is the chosen venue for Spain’s first ever Bossaball club… This […]
Preview Wednesday: Bossaball Bossaball is een zomerse sport die is ontstaan op de stranden van Rio de Janeiro in Brazilië. Vandaag krijg je bij Preview Wednesday een kijkje in de wereld van Bossaball. Wat is Bossaball? Bossaball is een spectaculaire, dynamische en nieuwe sport die het beste van voetbal, volleybal en turnen combineert op een […]
The Republican Post
Quirky games create new experiences, cult following Fancy playing football in an inflatable orb or a volleyball and football-esque game on an inflatable court? These ideas would have sounded ridiculous a decade ago but they have become a reality here and the games have attracted a following among some. Bubble soccer or zorb football is […]
Bossaball is the coolest sport you’ve never heard of IMAGE: GREAT BIG STORY/YOUTUBE [Mashable is the leading source for news, information and resources for the connected generation. Mashable reports on the importance of digital innovation and how it empowers and inspires people around the world. Mashable featured Bossaball in an article following the Great Big Story […]
Un nouveau sport Belge
Quand on se rend au pays du “Manneken Pis” pour un week-end ou des vacances, on oublie tout de suite un mode de vie sain, une bonne alimentation et bien d’autres restrictions. Dans ce pays, il est impossible de ne pas faire des litres de bière savoureuse, ne pas manger de fruits de mer, ne […]
Collision Detection
Collision Detection – 07/2006 A zero-g version of volleyball Behold Bossaball: A version of volleyball that takes place on an enormous bouncy inflatable cushion — and includes two trampolines that propel players a dozen feet in the air, giving them insane hangtime and allowing them to deliver spikes with Scud-missile velocity. You’re also allowed to […]
Diario do Nordeste
Diario do Nordeste 2/2009 Jogada – Nova Esporte Uma combinação de diferentes esportes em uma mesma quadra, reunindo a técnica do vôlei, ginga do futebol, beleza da ginástica artística e musicalidade”. É o que prometem os idealizadores do bossaball, esporte que acaba de chegar ao Brasil e poderá ser praticado no verão, no litoral de […]
Qatar Tribune
Qatar Tribune – 4/2010 Bossaball makes debut at Qatar Marine Festival DOHA – WELCOME to the world of bossaball, a sport born just five years ago. Almost like beach volleyball, it features high flying acrobats jumping on the trampoline in a bid to ‘spike’ the ball, as well as shaking their legs to the samba […]
JCNET 2/2012 Novo esporte: Sesi Bauru apresenta o ‘ Bossaball’ Nova modalidade esportiva mistura fundamentos do futebol, vôlei e ginástica ao som da música O Serviço Social da Indústria do Estado de São Paulo (Sesi) apresenta neste final de semana para Bauru a nova modalidade esportiva, chamada Bossaball. Praticado em alguns países da Europa, o […]
Mzansi Life
Mzansi Life 2/2014 Bossaball now available in South Africa Zinto Sports, a division of a brand activation and events company Zinto Marketing Group, has introduced a new sport called Bossaball in South Africa. The aim is to establish Bossaball as a vehicle to empower individuals and communities and enhance social cohesion. Bossaball is a complementary […]
Bossaball wordt gespeeld op één groot luchtkussen met in het midden een volleybalnet. Aan beide zijden van het net staat een trampoline. Enkel de speler die op de trampoline staat, mag de bal al springend naar de overkant brengen. Hierbij mag hij elk lichaamsdeel gebruiken om de bal zo spectaculair mogelijk te raken. Salto’s, handenstand […]
American Express Essentials
Furthermore, we had already set up some clubs in the Netherlands over the past ears, but what really has brought them to life was an Indoor Club Competition that has been carried out between Belgian and Dutch clubs over the last months. In this competition all the clubs and their players participate and meet up […]
Sploid Gizmodo
Bossaball Is the Coolest Sport You’ve Never Heard Of If volleyball had a child with a bounce house, it would be bossaball. The relatively young sport was created in Spain but has already started taking off in South America and Europe—and damn does it look like fun. Teams of four or five players stand on […]
Sports marketing brand activation ; check bossaball
The New Sport Bossaball that mixes soccer, volley and trampoline tricks with music Bossaball: a captivating sport combining volleyball, football, gymnastics, and music Internationally recognized, Bossaball attracts viewers all over the world Shannon McGreevy If you love music and hanging out with friends in the sun, the Spanish sport Bossaball would be right up your […]
Terloops 10.11.2006: Thomas Devos Bossa Nova met ballen Brussel – Een nieuwe sport bedenken, dat is wat Filip Eyckmans heeft gedaan. Combineer gewoon trampolines, beachvolleybal, voetbal, bossa novamuziek, gymnastiek en capoeira met elkaar en maak er één sport van. Het resultaat is bossaball, het excentrieke broertje van beachvolleybal. De man achter bossaball is de Antwerpenaar Filip Eyckmans, ex-manager van […]
Het Belang van Limburg
Het Belang van Limburg (19/2/2009): Lommel thuis voor eerste Belgische bossaballclub Misschien kreeg u op een of ander festival al een geslaagd voorsmaakje van het spectaculaire bossaball? Dan is er binnenkort meer, want op 19 oktober wordt in Lommel ook de eerste Belgische club van die spektakelsport – een volkomen Vlaamse uitvinding trouwens – boven de doopvont gehouden. […]
W2FY – 6/2010 W2FY recommends: Bossaball International I was browsing through ESPN the Magazine while taking a shit the other day, when I stumbled upon an article about Bossaball International. The article described it as a mix of soccer, volleyball, and giant inflatable trampoline, and I was pretty fucking intrigued. Being the go-getting young media mogul […]
Guia Rio Claro
Guia Rio Claro 3/2012 Final de semana mais divertido com Bossaball O Serviço Social da Indústria do Estado de São Paulo (SESI-SP) levará neste sábado e domingo para a população das cidades de Araras e Rio Claro, respectivamente, a modalidade esportiva chamada Bossaball. Praticado em alguns países da Europa durante o verão, o esporte foi […]
Die Welt
We starten dit jaar ook met onze recycled BossaBags gemaakt van oude terreinen. We gaan dit doen met workshops waar mensen hun eigen, “personalised” bag kunnen maken ; dit idee kan ook in samenwerking met brands uitgevoerd worden. Zo zouden we 100% recycled “Dreamville” bags kunnen maken zodat mensen nog jaren erna de herinnering “meedragen”… […]
ข่าวล่าสุด ในหมวด ย้อนแซ่บแฟชั่นเซต “หญิงแย้” ก่อนขาเตียงหัก ไล่ฆ่าข้อมูลความเชื่อผิดๆ คือหน้าที่ของเรา ‘หมอแล็บแพนด้า’ ทะลุร้อนย้อนเวลากับ“ศิลปินแห่งชาติสาขาเน็ตไอดอล” บอลลูน พินทุ์สุดา ส่องอาวุธใหม่ 6 ค่าย F1 ชิงเจ้าความเร็วปี 2016 ภาพเบื้องหลังแฟชั่นเซตร้อนเบียร์ The Voice ฝากถึงแฟนคลับ ‘ไม่โชว์พร่ำเพรื่อ
Die hellblaue Sicherheitszone, welche das Spielfeld umgibt; das blaue Spielfeld; das runde Trampolin mit einem Durchmesser von knapp 3,5 Metern und dem Bossawall, einer ca. 80 Zentimeter breiten Umrandung des Trampolins.
FIVB #CopaCourts the place to be as Bossaball comes to Copacabana Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 12, 2016 – Beach volleyball has been the signature Copacabana event so far but this was rivalled today when the FIVB brought Bossaball to town. Large crowds gathered on the FIVB’s CopaCourts to see the fusion of volleyball, gymnastics, […]
Bossaball ; sportart aus Brasilien
Bossaball: Volleyball trifft auf Fußball und Trampolinturnen Die neue Sportart Bossaball klingt definitiv nach einer Menge Spaß und Action! Entwickelt wurde sie in Belgien und schwappt nun langsam zu uns hinüber. Bossaball kann man sich als eine Mischung aus Volleyball und Fußball vorstellen, was jedoch auf einem speziellen Court aus Luftkissen und einem Trampolin gespielt […]
Indiana Daily Student
Indiana Daily Student – 12/2006 Goodbye Baseball, hello Bossaball Sayonara, Super Bowl. Farewell, Final Four. Au revoir, Opening Day. I’m off to see the world, and unfortunately you won’t fit in my carry-on. In less than a month, I will be one of about 2,000 IU students who has decided to study abroad for the […]
NeVoBo 2/2009 NeVoBo bemachtigt exclusieve rechten voor Bossaball Nieuws De NeVoBo heeft de exclusieve rechten voor Nederland weten te bemachtigen voor een nieuw volleybalspel: BOSSABALL. Bossaball is volleyballen op trampolines en luchtkussens Bossaball is volleyballen op trampolines en luchtkussens. Bossaball is afkomstig uit Spanje en het spel is een combinatie van de sporten volleybal, voetbal […]
Media Netwerk
Media Netwerk (6/9/2010): Pepsi lanceert Nederlands Bossaball Team Hoge sprongen, spectaculaire salto’s en snoeiharde bicycle kicks. Dat is waar bezoekers van Blijburg aan zee vandaag van konden genieten, tijdens Pepsi’s demonstratiedag van Bossaball in Nederland. Het hoogtepunt was een demonstratiewedstrijd van het Nederlandse team tegen regerend wereldkampioen Brazilië. Bossaball is een balspel dat wordt gespeeld op twee luchtkussens waarin […]
De Beeiard
De Beeiard – 3/2012 België voorlopig weerhoudend voor Bossaball Bossaball is een nieuwe sport, ontsproten uit een Belgisch idee. Koen Janssens is medestichter en laat u kennismaken met een minder gemediatiseerde sport. “Het heeft alles om het te maken.” Een reportage van het Zuid-Oost-Vlaamse weekblad De Beiaard. Koen Janssens woont in Gent en werkt in […]
Studentski.hr – 5/2014 Bossaball – pokažite kreativnost u sportu Glazba, akrobacije, ritam, lopta i zabava ujedinjeni su u novi sport – bossaball. Bossaball je sport koji kombinira elemente odbojke, nogometa i akrobacije. Teren za ovaj neobični sport izrađen je od odskočnog materijala na napuhavanje. Jedan trampolin nalazi se sa svake strane mreže. Takva podloga omogućuje mnogo […]
Award Apparel
How to play ? Bossaball can be played in teams of 3 or 4 or 5 players. The aim of bossaball is for each team to ground the ball on the opponent’s field. Each team is entitled to a maximum of 8 contacts with the ball on its own field, meanwhile the trampoline jumper gains […]
Sky Sport
Dabei werden die Sportarten Volleyball, Fußball, Turnen und Gymnastik kombiniert. Gespielt wird die anspruchsvolle Teamsportart von zwei Mannschaften mit je zwei bis fünf Spielern. Das Spielfeld ist ein riesiges Luftkissen, welches durch ein Netz in zwei Spielhälften getrennt wird. Auf jeder Spielfeldseite befindet sich ein Trampolin, das den Spielern viele neue Spielweisen und Techniken eröffnet. […]
‘Bossaball’ turns heads at Rio Olympics [The Nine Network’s Wide World of Sports is Australia’s most enduring sports brand, a position that provides unrivaled access to the very heart of sport.] Beach volleyball is meant to be the main attraction at Copacabana Beach during the Olympics, but there’s another sport that has heads turning. Five […]
Encyclopedia of Sports
Bossaball Bossaball is a sport which is similar to volleyball, and also includes elements of football, gymnastics and capoeira. This sport was developed by Filip Eyckmans in 2004 in Spain. The term bossa means ‘style’ in Portuguese, and it is often associated with the Bossa Nova or samba type of music. It suggests that the aim of bossaball is to […]
O Globo
O Globo 01/2007 Bossabol chega ao litoral paulista como novidade do verão RIO – Com uma quadra semelhante a de vôlei de praia, mas feita de colchões infláveis, o bossabol surge no verão paulista como uma nova modalidade esportiva, ou de divertimento, que mistura de futebol, vôlei, capoeira, ginástica e música. Ao longo do mês […]
Beach Sport Lounge
Beach Sport Lounge (19/2/2009): Bossaball on Tour Omschrijving: Zondag 28 augustus maakt het Scheveningse strand kennis met het spectaculaire Bossaball on Tour. Bossaball is een nieuwe sport en een combinatie van capoaira, beach volleyball, voetbal en gymnastiek, allen gespeeld op één speelveld. De liefhebbers van deze sporten kunnen in Bossaball al hun kunstjes kwijt en zo vult Bossaball […]
Sports Zine
Sports Zine – 10/2010 Bossaball, a revolutionary way to play soccer All football fans are already accustomed with the latest competitions, the impact these have and the best football players there are. However, not many supporters are that talented so as to perform in professional clubs. That is precisely why, you’ll often observe all those […]
La Gazzetta dello Sport
La Gazzetta dello Sport – 4/2012 Datevi al Bossaball Come la bossanova è una fusione di generi. Molti generi, anche parecchio diversi tra loro. E quindi ne ha in un certo senso mutuato il nome, e si chiama Bossaball. E’ un nuovo sport. Piuttosto improbabile ma simpatico. Diresti che sia brasiliano e invece no, è nato […]
از سه تا پنج بازیکن می باشد. بازیکن مهاجم بر روی ترامبولین قرار می گیرد و دیگر بازیکنان هم بر روی موانع بازی در اطراف او قرار می گیرند. (حداکثر تعداد برخورد با پا یا سر 2 برخورد، حداکثر برخورد با دستها یک برخورد ). در طول یک مسابقه توپ دائماً در حال چرخش است […]
The Nerd Machine
Bossaball is the ultimate mix of Soccer, Volleyball and Gymnastics played on an inflatable court with trampolines.. 2015 is our 10th year anniversary and we are hoping to bring our game to high-quality events.
This may be the wildest sport you’ll ever see Think volleyball, soccer, and gymnastics combined. Now add a trampoline on each side of the net. Oh, and it’s all done to music. That’s Bossaball. Some call it “bouncy castle football volleyball.” It was created around 2003. It can be played indoors or outdoors, on a […]
Wall Street Journal
Wall Street Journal in Rio 2016: Soccer + Gymnastics + Volleyball in a Bouncy Castle = Bossaball Bossaball combines some of the most popular Olympic sports into one game At the Olympics, soccer, gymnastics and volleyball competitions are among the most popular sports. But what if they were combined into one sport, played on a […]
Jornal do Estado
Jornal do Estado 01/2007 Bossaball chega ao Brasil e promete ser a sensaçao do verao 2007 Se você gosta de jogar vôlei, bater uma bola, escutar um som e se sentir livre para voar como acrobatas do Cirque de Soleil, já pode contar com um esporte irreverente que é uma aula completa, mas que é diversão […]
Gazet van Antwerpen
Gazet van Antwerpen 2/2009 Onbekend en onbemind Bossaball heeft voorlopig nog maar weinig bekendheid in België. Vorig jaar werd de sport in België opgericht. Het bossaball-team vertrok toen op promotietour naar het buitenland. In landen als Brazilië, Spanje en Portugal is de sport tegenwoordig erg populair. Nu brengt het bossaball-team de sport terug naar België zodat bossaball ook hier kan doorbreken. […]
ESPN 10/2010 Bossaball takes volleyball to new heights ROGGEL, The Netherlands — It’s like combining your favorite day of gym class and a beach bonanza. The new sport of bossaball is a mixture of soccer, gymnastics and volleyball and takes place on an inflatable volleyball court with trampolines in the middle. Play starts with a […]
NOS Studio Sport
NOS Studio Sport (28/4/2012): ‘Ik vlieg de hele wereld over om demonstraties te geven’ Douwe Kamsma (21) is de trampolineman in het Nederlandse bossaball team. Hoewel een competitie in Nederland nog ontbreekt, vliegt hij wel de hele wereld over om deze sport te demonstreren. Hoe vaak heb jij al uitgelegd wat Bossaball is? ‘Misschien wel honderdduizend keer. […]
Red Bull
Yeni Başlayanlar İçin Bossaball Futbol, voleybol, dans ve eğlence. Hepsinden barındıran bu oyunu çok seveceksiniz. What The Ball ile adını duyduğunuz, kurallarını pek bilmediğiniz sporları tanıtmayı sürdürüyoruz. Curling, Sepak Takraw, İki Raketli Tenis, Monosiklet Futbolu gibi sporları şu ana kadar tanıtma fırsatı bulduk. Sırada yepyeni bir spor var! Futbol estetik bir oyun mu? Bazen öyle, […]
Bossaball v sobe spojuje prvky volejbalu, fotbalu, gymnastiky a brazilského bojového umení capoeira. Hraje se na kurtu rozdeleném sítí a vytvoreném z nafukovacích matrací a dvou trampolín. Ty umoznují hrácum ruzné skoky, premety a dalsí akrobatické kousky, pri nichz odbíjejí míc na souperovu polovinu. Proti sobe stojí dva týmy o trech az peti hrácích. „Aby […]
Re-Designing Youth Sport: Change the Game
Re-Designing Youth Sport: Change the Game This book was written byJohn McCarthy, Lou Bergholz and Megan Bartlett. All of the writers grew up playing sports all the time. They played competitive sports throughout their college careers, and one of them played professionally. They are also serious students of sport, from the academic to the professional […]
Bossaball: the volleyball, football and gymnastics cross-over on an inflatable If you want to take up a new sport, you no longer have to settle for the same-old suspects. Away from the traditional realms of rugby or cricket a whole host of new, alternative games are thriving. The fun, acrobatic sport of Bossaball looks poised to […]
Famous Firsts: The Trendsetters, Groundbreakers & Risk-takers
Famous Firsts: The Trendsetters, Groundbreakers & Risk-takers This book by Natalie Rompella is about the trendsetters and groundbreakers: Wow, America sure has a lot of talent! And each sport started so differently. Some of the groundbreakers planned their ideas in advance, others had an “aha” moment and went with it, and still others used an object in an inventive […]
Sport.ro – 2/2009 Bossaball – noua atractie a plajelor mondiale UN BELGIAN A INVENTAT BOSSABALL Plajele braziliene, si nu numai, au o noua atractie in materie de sport. Bossaball pare sa creasca din ce in ce mai mult in topul preferintelor pentru cei care practica sporturile pe plaja. Inventat de un belgian, bossaball poate fi […]
Sportknowshowxl (9/11/2010) Nieuwe sporten, nieuwe kansen! Ik vind dat bedrijven die zoeken naar exposuremogelijkheden creatiever kunnen zijn in de keuze voor een bepaalde sport. Sterker nog, ze moeten durven kiezen voor een nieuwe sport. Juist de associatie met trendsetters is interessant voor het bedrijfsleven. Maar het is ook financieel aantrekkelijk, een nieuwe sport vraagt geen tonnen voor een […]
Planetloisirs 5/2012 Le bossaball, un cocktail sportif qui nous vient de Belgique Bienvenue sur Planetloisirs, le guide des loisirs dédié aux sorties, activités manuelles, créatives et sportives en famille ou entre amis. À la recherche d’une discipline combinant fitness, capoeira, salsa, football et volley-ball? Ne cherchez plus : le bossaball est fait pour vous. Pour assaisonner ce […]
Bleacher Report
Incredible Sports You’ve Never Heard Of “No one on the planet can convince me that Bossaball isn’t the greatest sport ever created.” – This is how this article is going to end, which will put Bossaball on spot #1 of this list by Bleacher Report, a San Francisco-based sports news website owned by Turner. The website […]
The World’s Zaniest Sports
At first glance this game looks like a bizarre version of volleyball. It combines elements of volleyball, football, gymnastics, and martial arts. Bossaball began in Spain and is becoming more popular around the world. This wild team sport is played on an inflatable court featuring a trampoline on each side of the net. Teams hit […]
Voleyboll Aktuel
İç sahada aldığı Altınordu mağlubiyeti ve son olarak Karşıyaka beraberliği ile Play-off yarışından uzak kalan Alima Yeni Malatyaspor, ligde oynayacağı son iki maçından ilkine Samsun deplasmanında çıkacak
The amazing Bounce House Volleyball [New Tang Dynasty Television (NTD) is a television broadcaster based in New York City with correspondents in over 70 cities worldwide. The station was founded in 2001 by Falun Gong practitioners as a Chinese-language broadcaster, but has since expanded its language offerings. The company retains a focus on China in […]
Interesting thing of the day
ITOTD – 3/2007 Bossaball: The game with bounce Team sports don’t hold much appeal for me, with the notable exception of volleyball. I don’t know exactly why that is, but it may have something to do with the lack of violence in the way the game is played. There’s no tackling, tripping, checking, or jostling […]
OGL press De Weekkrant
De Weekkrant (29/4/2009): Swingen met de bal Utrechter Wilco Nijland zet eerste Wereld Kampioenschap bossaball op poten UTRECHT – Bossaball, euh… wát?! Nog maar weinig mensen kennen dit spectaculaire balspel, maar daar gaat Utrechter Wilco Nijland verandering in brengen. Met zijn bedrijf Music and Sports zet hij het eerste WK Bossaball op poten, dat start op maandag […]
Bossaball is the ultimate mix of Soccer, Volleyball and Gymnastics played on an inflatable court with trampolines. We have previously been involved with different Olympic events. Our sport was a side event at the 2013 European Youth Olympic Festival in Utrecht, and more recently, it was chosen to be exposed at the “Generacion Deportiva”, a […]
Rules of Sport
Rules of Sport – 6/2012 Bossaball Rules Bossaball is a relatively new sport and was derived from Spain in 2004. Since then the sport has gone on to have international acclaim with countries such as Brazil, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Kuwait, Ecuador and Saudi Arabia all have very successful Bossaball teams. Whilst international competitions […]
De tijd dat mensen al eens tegen een bal stampten als ontspanning lijkt wel passé. Gisteren kon de Gentenaar zich informeren over bossaball, vaartrafting, airtrack, ropeskipping, kooivolley en andere nieuwere manieren om zichzelf fysiek op peil te houden. Alhoewel, ropeskipping is eigenlijk het vertrouwde touwtje springen en bossaball een combinatie van volley en voetbal op […]
Die Zeit
Die Zeit – 6/2015 Unsere Sporttrends des Sommers Kennen Sie Bossaball, Punk Rope oder Blobbing? Wir bis vor Kurzem auch nicht. Sie sind aber das, was man in diesem Sommer gemacht haben muss, behaupten wir jedenfalls. Endlich. In dieser Woche beginnt der Sommer auch nach Temperaturen. Weil man ja nicht immer nur Federball, Boccia und […]
Mingea poate fi lovita cu orice parte a corpului, chiar de doua ori, fara a fi penalizat. Pe trambulina intra, pe rand, cate un jucator ce loveste mingea. Trambulina este asezata pe o perna mare gonflabila (cel putin 3 m diametru), astfel incat jucatorii sa nu se loveasca sau sa cada de pe ea.
The Sport Digest
Strange Sports: Bossaball So what do an air mattress, trampoline, volleyball, soccer, and exotic, groovy music have in common? The answer? A new sport known as Bossaball! [The United States Sports Academy is an independent, non-profit, accredited, special mission sports university created to serve the nation and the world with programs in instruction, research and […]
Newz.ro 2/2009 Orangina aduce BossaBall in Romania Orangina, singura bautura carbonatata cu pulpa de portocale existenta in Romania, ofera consumatorilor sai, in aceasta vara, o experienta ce va deveni cu siguranta memorabila – Orangina BossaBall Tour. Romanii care isi vor petrece concediile pe litoralul romanesc in aceasta vara vor putea experimenta, pe terenul amplasat in […]
OGL press
OGL press, (10/5/2009) Fly Superman, Fly op het WK Professioneel Om bossaball een professioneel karakter te geven, is het nodig om een officiële sportbond op te richten. Wilco Nijland heeft daar inmiddels de eerste gesprekken over gehad met NOC*NSF. ‘Voor de zomer zal er duidelijkheid zijn over of dat lukt.’ De regels Bij bossaball mag je de bal met […]
The World’s Weirdest Sports
If the world was crying out for a sport that mixed volleyball, football (soccer), trampolining, the Brazilian martial art of capoeira and the hip-shaking vibe of samba, it was keeping its voice down. Nevertheless, in Spain during the last decade, Belgian music entrepreneur Filip Eyckmans rummaged around in his imagination and invented bossaball—not only a […]
Globo Esporte
Globo Esporte 8/2012 Bossaball? Jogo mistura futebol, ginastica, capoeira e volei em Jacareí Sesi de Jacareí oferece oficina gratuita neste domingo, 26 O Sesi de Jacareí oferece oficina gratuita de Bossaball neste domingo, 26, a partir das 9 horas. Mas o que é Bossaball? Trata-se de um jogo que mistura futebol, ginástica, capoeira e vôlei. […]
Fit for fun
Fit for fun – 9/2014 HÜPFBURG-SPASS FÜR ERWACHSENE Bossaball: Die Trendsportart aus Spanien kombiniert Volleyball, Fußball, Akrobatik und Trampolin-Springen miteinander. Erfahren Sie mehr über den Powersport! Trampolin-Springen macht Spaß und ist gesund – genauso wie Ballsport und Akrobatik. Das dachte sich auch der gebürtige Belgier Filip Eyckmans, der deshalb vor über zehn Jahren in Spanien […]
Universiteit Brussel
La Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) (del holandés:Universidad Libre de Bruselas) es una universidad de habla neerlandesa, establecida en Bruselas, Bélgica. Aunque su nombre es el equivalente exacto de la francófona Université Libre de Bruxelles, la Vrije Universiteit Brussel es totalmente independiente de esta. Aun así, están ambas en el campus de la Plaine, en la […]
Women’s Wear Daily
Extreme Times Call for Extreme Sports for Viewers, Wannabes and Daredevils Alike Extreme sports like Bossaball, Flyboarding, ultra trail running, wing walking and drone jumping aren’t the run-of-the-mill pursuits. Rosemary Feitelberg (Women’s Wear Daily (WWD) is a fashion-industry trade journal sometimes called “the bible of fashion.” WWD delivers information and intelligence on changing trends and […]